Hemp Hemp

We’re On A Mission

Hemp was unjustly banned for 80 years. Now it’s back, but its reputation remains frayed. We’re changing that.

Bonnegran is restoring the image of hemp by showing the world the numerous benefits of this marvelous and misunderstood plant. We are teaming up with growers and sellers of first-class hemp and helping them spread their product and its associated benefits to a targeted audience via clever and charming marketing campaigns.

Educating The Masses

Our mission is to overcome the anxiety and misinformation that swirls around hemp. We want to educate the masses and show people that this plant should be cherished, not feared. By providing accurate information to those who don’t yet understand hemp and its value, we hope to catapult hemp products from the depths of contempt to the peak of public acceptance.

To achieve this, we create compelling marketing campaigns for everyone involved in the hemp industry. From growers to manufacturers to retailers, we work with everyone who plays a role in the process of bringing hemp from soil to shopper.

Hemp & CBD Gets A Bad Rap

Hemp is often confused with marijuana and much of the public doesn’t know what CBD is, which leads to countless missed opportunities for consumers to take advantage of its many uses.

People who understand hemp have been basking in its problem-solving glory for years. Unfortunately, many people still have yet to experience the pain relief powers and various other wellness benefits that hemp can provide. Fortunately, we have the will and the way to ensure everyone is aware of hemp’s true value.

We’re Here To Help

Our goal is to become the premier agency for marketing hemp products while always remaining true to our mission to inform and entertain. We’re growing the public’s understanding of hemp through enlightening marketing campaigns. Don’t get left in the dark. Join us in the good fight.

Let's Get Started!