Setting up a credit card processing account for your CBD business should be painless, right? Many of you may have experienced the exact opposite. CBD business payment processing has become tricky for some business owners, and aggravating for their customers as well.
Year of 2019
For the year of 2019 we have seen: delayed approvals, high-risk pricing, and sudden shut-downs as typical experiences of CBD business owners and their CBD customers alike.
How can you avoid all those painful experiences? We have the answer. Bonnegran is happy to announce our full-service CBD Payment Processing solution.
Our dedicated staff is both familiar with the product and committed to serving you with excellence in order to set you up for success. Let us focus on the payment processing mumbo-jumbo. We want you to be able to focus on your customers.
Does our CBD Payment Processing solution sound like a good fit for your business?
Fill out the contact form below and our crew will be in touch with you faster than you can say, “Cannabidiol topicals and ingestibles” five times fast!